Fatma Gamal 13 ยท So This Is Love - Cinderella
heart deep
Medieval dream visions or dream allegories share certain common features. First, dream poems often employ a prologue consisting of an account of the conditions leading up to the narrator's having the dream, which sometimes is provoked by the dreamer's surroundings in a natural setting such as the locus amoenus ("pleasant place") full of spring breezes, birdsong, a flowery grove, and the lulling sound of flowing water.

At other times the dream is provoked by the content of a book read by the dreamer just before going to sleep, which in turn influences the content of the dream.

The scope of this "plot" ranges from a limited, self-contained event.

Third, many dream poems, whether waking or sleeping visions, include the appearance to the narrator of a male or female authority figure who informs the dreamer about some aspect of his life or teaches him some spiritual or philosophical truth.

Fourth, some dream visions feature a framing epilogue consisting of the dreamer's awakening from the dream and interpretative speculations about its meaning.
tarot (jung?)
china detailing (portuguese tile)